(a) The above competitions will be run by Competition Secretaries appointed by
the Surrey Squash Rackets Association in accordance with the following rules. |
(b) To qualify for entry to the Competitions: |
(1) Clubs must be affiliated to England Squash for the current year.
[Due to the subscription request date by England Squash and the possibility of
legitimate negotiation of subscription levels between England Squash and clubs,
the inclusion of clubs not currently affiliated will be at the sole discretion
of the Surrey SRA League Secretary. However, if the previous year’s subscription
remains unpaid, no club will be allowed entry.] |
(2) Entry forms must be received prior to the final entry date decided by the
Competition Secretaries. If entry forms are not received before this date, teams
will not be included. |
(3) League fees are invoiced once the various leagues are started, typically
after the start of the Summer and Winter seasons. Failure to pay these invoices
will result in the automatic withdrawal of the associated teams. |
(c) Unless otherwise specified, all Men’s and Ladies leagues are governed by the
same rules, as laid out in this document. Junior leagues are subject to rules
decided by the relevant league organiser. |
(a) Surrey Cup |
(1) The Competition is for teams of five players in the Winter league and four
players in the Summer league. |
(2) The Competition shall be arranged in divisions of eight teams (where
possible), to consist of two top Divisions 1 and 2, and two parallel sections of
equal merit below this level, (called Blue and Red) commencing at Division 3. |
(3) From Division 3 and below, if there are two teams from the same Club in the
same Division they will be separated, one in Blue and one in Red. |
(4) Where applicable, there will be a one or two week gap designed to coincide
with school half terms for both state and private schools. However, changes in
dates may make this unworkable. |
(5) Where applicable, and assuming that the dates have been published before the
start of the league, the week of the British National Squash Championships will
be left clear from the fixture schedule. |
(b) Ann Price Surrey Trophy
(1) The Competition is for teams of 4 or 3 players as demand
dictates. |
(2) The number of teams in each division shall be decided as
required. |
(c) Surrey Veterans League |
(1) The Competition is for teams of five players. |
(d) Surrey Vintage League |
(1) The Competition is for teams of three players. |
(a) The following shall be eligible to play for a club:
(1) A recognised member of the club. |
(2) Surrey Veterans League: Men must be over 45 on the day of the match or 40 in
the case of ladies. |
(3) Surrey Vintage League: Men must be over 55 on the day of the match or 50 in
the case of ladies. |
Note: For the Vets and Vintage leagues, a player may play as soon as they reach
their birthday but they must have been nominated at the start of the relevant
half. If not, they must wait until the second half when they can be correctly
nominated, or in the case of a birthday during the second half, they will not be
allowed to play that season. |
[PENALTY: Where a person plays for a club without being a member as specified
above, they will be immediately excluded from playing for that club for the rest
of the league season, will be deemed ineligible for any matches they have played
and the associated penalties applied.] |
(b) No player may represent more than one Club during the same season in each
Competition, except with the prior approval of the relevant Competition
Secretary. Such applications shall be in writing. Where approval is granted, a
player may not play again for the original club during the same Competition.
[It is perfectly acceptable for a player to be a member of two clubs, and indeed
to play Surrey Cup for one club and Vets for another, for instance. Under most
circumstances, it is also acceptable for a player to move clubs half way through
a season and play for a different club than they did in the first half. However,
as stated above, this MUST be agreed by the League Secretary.]
[PENALTY: Immediate exclusion from the competition for the player concerned,
they will be deemed ineligible for any matches they have played and the
associated penalties applied. Where it is unclear as to which club the player
was correctly nominated, penalties may be applied to all teams for which the
person played.] |
(c) Only players named on the nomination list for the relevant period may play
in any matches, except as stated below for the bottom team in a club. Initial
nominations must be entered on the league web site prior to the night of the
first match of the relevant team, with second half nominations entered prior to
the first match of the second half. The nomination list for any team must
contain at least as many players as make up a side for the particular league.
For the bottom team ONLY in a club, any eligible member is deemed to be
‘playable’, even if not included in the current nomination list for that team.
This allows the team to use players in the bottom team only to “make up the
numbers” where injury or holidays would not otherwise allow a full team to be
available. [This also means that the bottom team in the Winter Surrey Cup does not require
players to have qualified for the last few matches as stated in Rule 3(k)
Such players can be added by a club via the admin login and MUST be done prior
to playing. |
(d) All players are restricted to playing in the team for which they are
currently nominated or in a higher team, as allowed under the rules, except as
stated in Rule 3c. [You may not under any circumstances play in a lower team than that for which
you are currently nominated.] |
(e) A player who plays for a higher team(s) that that for which they are
currently nominated, has “played up” and there are limits associated with the
following competitions: |
1) All Leagues
The number of times a player may play up is twice per half.
Any player who “plays up” more than the limit, is deemed to be “team tied” to
the higher team, and cannot then play in any lower team for the rest of the
season. [A player team tied in the first half can remain nominated in their original
team for the second half, although cannot actually play in that team. This
allows the order of relative strength of players to be maintained.]
The team to which you are tied is considered as follows :
1) If at least one of your "play ups" is to the team immediately above that for
which you were originally nominated, then you are tied to that team. (e.g.: if
nominated for the 3rd team in Surrey Cup and you play up twice for the 1st team
and once for the 2nd team, you are tied to the 2nd team.)
2) If none of your "play ups" were for the team immediately above that for which
you were nominated, then you are tied to at least two teams above. (ego: if
nominated for the 3rd team in Surrey Cup and you play up three times for the 1st
team, you are tied to the 1st team.)
3) If at the point of being tied to a particular team, any of your "play ups"
were to a team above that to which you have just been tied, then those "play
ups" remains against you for the rest of that half. (e.g.: if nominated for the
3rd team in Surrey Cup and you play up twice for the 1st team and once for the
2nd team, then you are tied to the 2nd team, but if you then play up once more
into the 1st team, then you are immediately tied to the 1st team.) |
2) Surrey Trophy ( Ladies) Only
The above rules shall apply except that in exceptional circumstances, the
relevant league organiser may waive this rule, and a player re-nominated for a
lower team will be allowed to play up the permitted number of times before being
tied to the higher team, like any other member of the lower team. |
(f) Playing order |
(1) Surrey Cup: All players must play in the order as given on the appropriate
nomination list on League Master. However, for any fixture, one ‘swap’ of
players is allowed as long as they are in consecutive positions in the relevant
nomination list. This swap can only be done once.
[Note this refers to nominated order. Just because two players happen to be
playing one below the other on the night, does not allow them to swap, unless
their actual nomination order is also one below the other.] |
(2) Vets and Vintage: All players must play in the order as given on the
appropriate nomination list. However, for any match, one interchange of players
may be allowed from that declared on the match card.
[As long as two players are next to each other in the order of play, they may
swap, regardless of the underlying nomination. This takes precedence over rule
(g) below.] |
(g) No player from a lower team may play above a player nominated for any higher
team. |
(h) Match cards are no longer required. However, team captains MUST be clear
about the playing order prior to any strings going on court.
(i) Only two nominations are allowed per season, one for each half of the
season, with each being entered before the first match of each half.
[The old concept of a re-nomination no longer exists. In addition, new members
can only be nominated through the two allowed nominations. If a new member joins
after the start of the season, they cannot play until the second half and if
they join after the start of the second half, they cannot play at all.] |
(j) No player re-nominated for a lower team may subsequently play for any higher
team. A player re-nominated for the same team may play in a higher team only if
remaining eligible under Rule 3(e), “playing up”. |
(k) Winter Surrey Cup only: Players shall be required to play for their club in
the Winter Surrey Cup on a minimum of 3 occasions before the last 3 matches of
any division. However, in line with Rule 3(c) above this does not apply to the
bottom team in a club. [This rule, while it may on occasions be tough for clubs trying to encourage
young players who are not always available, is nevertheless a fair way to
prevent teams from bringing in last minute players against the spirit of the
leagues. Note that where a tie is rearranged as allowed under Rule 4(d) this
does not bypass the need to have played 3 matches. This rule is based upon 8 team divisions
and may be modified where less than 8 teams are in a particular
division.] |
(a) Each team shall play two matches, one at home and one away, against all
teams in the division. No matches may be played as double headers, i.e. teams
may NOT agree to play both home and away matches as one fixture. |
(b) If two teams from the same club are in the same division then these shall be
the first fixtures in each half of the season and may not be re-arranged. |
(c) If two teams from the same club are in the same Division Group (Divisions R
and B are not considered the same division), they must be treated as completely
separate pools of players and no one from one team may play in the other team. A
player in a lower team may, however, play for either team, assuming they are
eligible. [There is no well understood terminology for “Divisions” 3R and 3B, for
instance, being separate divisions and yet both being in the “Division Group” of
Division 3, but the above rule should be pretty clear. Under normal
circumstances this rule will only apply to Divisions 1 and 2.] |
(d) Rearranged Strings |
(1) Surrey Cup: The only event where individual strings may be rearranged is the
week of the British National Squash Championships. However, the league schedule
will be arranged so that no fixtures are played on that week, so in effect no
rearranged strings will be necessary or allowed.
(2) Vets: Due to Vets matches being played on a Saturday and the number of
events that are scheduled over weekends, individual strings may be rearranged
for the Surrey Closed Tournament or for any regional masters competitions. |
(e) Individual strings re-arranged under Rule 4(d) must be played within 14 days
of the original date or the team requesting the postponement shall concede the
tie. In addition, the string must be played at the home club of the team that
did not request the rearrangement. |
(f) (1) Surrey Cup; Ann Price Surrey Trophy; Summer Surrey Cup; Surrey Veterans
League: At least three players from each side should be present at the
previously agreed starting time of the match. Once play has commenced it shall
be continuous until the completion of the last tie. In the event of court time
running out, the team causing the delay in starting the match shall forfeit the
unplayed rubber(s).
(2) Summer Surrey Trophy: All players from each team must be present at the
agreed match start time. In the event of court time running out, the team
causing the delay in starting the match shall forfeit the unplayed rubber(s).
[Clearly there are two issues here. One is that unless teams start promptly, the
matches go on very late and the other is that unless there are at least four
players at the start, then a match may not have a marker. With the problems of
traffic and work commitments, it is possibly wishful thinking to expect all 10
players to arrive on time, but every effort should be made to do so.] |
(g) If a player fails to arrive and the other rubbers have been completed, that
player’s team forfeits the contest at the missing string’s position and below,
i.e. the whole match if it is the 1st string player. In exceptional
circumstances, and after written application to the Competition Secretary, the
missing player’s team may be allowed to retain the points from the completed
ties as the player may be judged to be technically late as opposed to missing.
(h) Where an eligible player plays out of their correct nominated order, as
specified in the rules, they shall lose the tie.
[If two players swap positions for a match, yet their nominated positions are
not consecutive as required under Rule 3(f), only one will actually have played
out of position. The rest of the match results stand.] |
(i) Any tie won by, and below, an ineligible player shall be counted as a loss. |
(j) Matches played in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 in the Surrey Cup and Vets Division
1, will be played as PAR 11. All other divisions will play as PAR 15. |
(k) Where courts for fixtures in Divisions 1 & 2 in the Surrey Cup have a
moveable ‘tin’, with the agreement of the opposing team captains it may be
lowered in keeping with squash at a professional level. |
(l) All matches shall be officiated by both teams from the players present. |
(m) Prior to 1st October of any season, the Surrey SRA requires that a nominated
player from each team should have attended an official referee and markers
course held by the Surrey SRA. |
(a) A playoff match shall be considered as an additional fixture to the relevant
league and as such will use exactly the same rules for eligibility of players.
[ For the Winter playoffs, this includes the requirement to have played a
certain number of times - see Rule 3(k). So if a player was not eligible for the
last matches, they are not eligible for the playoffs.] |
(a) For all leagues 1 point shall be scored for each individual game
won. |
(b) Bonus points will be added to the team games scores as follows: |
For teams of 5 players, 4 bonus points shall be added as a
result of a match won. |
For teams of 3 players, 3 bonus points shall be added as a
result of a match won. |
For teams of 4 players, 3 bonus points shall be awarded to a
team winning the match 4-0 or 3-1
(3) If the ties are 2-2 then the side winning the most games shall be awarded 1
bonus points.
(4) If the total games are the same, the side winning the most individual game
points shall be awarded 1 bonus points.
(5) If the ties are 2-2, the total games are equal, and the total points are the
same, the bonus points are NOT awarded. |
(g) Withdrawn Team
Where a team is withdrawn from the leagues before half way, all matches are
deemed void and the scores reset to 0-0. Where the withdrawal is after the half
way point, all first half scores will stand but scores after the half way will
be deemed void and reset to 0-0. |
(a) Where a team does not turn up for a fixture with the correct number of
players, they will be penalised 2 points for each missing player. |
(b) Where a team gives more than 2 complete fixture walkovers in any one half of
a league, they will be deemed to have withdrawn from the league and all fixtures
in that half will be set to a 0-0 result. |
(c) Where a team gives more than 20 individual player walkovers over the whole
league, they will be deemed to have withdrawn from the league and all fixtures
will be set to a 0-0 result. |
(d) Where a team gives a complete fixture walkover within the last 3 fixtures of
the second half of the league, and where such a walkover may effect the
promotion or relegation of another team, the points awarded for the walkover may
be subject to adjustment by the Competition Secretary in the interest of
fairness. [ This would particularly be the case where a team gains points for the walkover
which they would almost certainly not have done if the fixture had been played.] |
Promotion and relegation shall be decided as follows: |
(a) Surrey Cup |
(1) The bottom team in Division 1 will be relegated and the winner of Division 2
will be promoted. The second from bottom team in Division 1 will play the runner
up of Division 2 in a playoff, the winner being promoted or remaining in
Division 1 as applicable. |
(2) The bottom two teams in Division 2 will be relegated. The winners of
Divisions 3B and 3R will be promoted. The second place team in Divisions 3B and
3R will remain in Division 3. |
(3) The bottom two teams in Divisions 3B and 3R will be relegated to Division 4
and the top two teams in Divisions 4B and 4R will be promoted. This system will
continue for all lower divisions. |
(b) Vets and Vintage |
(1) The top two teams in each division will be offered promotion. |
(2) The bottom two teams in each division will be relegated. |
(b) All Competitions |
(1) In the event of a tied position between two or more teams, the team with the
most number of match wins during the season will determine the winner. If they
are equal, the team with the least number of points against them will determine
the winner. |
(c) Next Seasons Divisions Provided that promotions gained are not disturbed, the relevant Competition
Secretary may fill vacancies, add further divisions, reduce the number of
divisions or alter the number of teams in a division. In exceptional
circumstances teams may be promoted or relegated by more than one division at
the absolute discretion of the Competition Secretary. |
(a) Home clubs shall be held responsible for arranging the dates and starting
times of the matches and for reporting results. The first match must be
scheduled to commence by 19:30 in order to complete the overall match by an
acceptable time. |
(b) Winter Surrey Cup only: All Division 1 matches will be played on Wednesday
evenings. |
(c) Surrey Veterans League only: Matches shall all be played on Saturday
afternoons, in accordance with the fixtures schedule issued by the Competition
Secretary. |
(d) All Competitions |
(1) Results of all ties shall be recorded on the League Master web site, giving
the names of all players and the full scores or a note added in respect of ties
postponed under Rule 6(d). Ties not so recorded shall be deemed to have been won
by the away team. |
(2) Matches will be played on the dates agreed by the Fixtures Secretaries
within the scheduled dates allocated by the Competition Secretary. No matches
may be re-arranged but home and away fixtures may be reversed if both teams are
in agreement. If exceptional circumstances dictate, then a written request for
re-arrangement should be made to the relevant Competition Secretary or
Co-ordinator prior to the scheduled date of the match. Any such request must be
accompanied by an agreed rearranged match date, accepted by both clubs. [It has long been accepted that in violation of this rule, teams ring up and
rearrange matches and the opposing teams feel obliged to accede. This simply
creates problems further down the line. Do not do it, and remember, if you do
and the match is subsequently not played, no team gets any points.] |
(3) Any first half matches that have been authorised for re-arrangement by the
Competition Secretary must be played before the start of the second half of the
season. Any re-arranged second half matches must be played by 2 weeks after the
final scheduled match date. If any re-arranged match is not played by the
required date the club requesting the re-arrangement will forfeit the match and
a walkover be awarded. |
(e) The official recording of all results will be via the League Master web site
and the home team is responsible for entering the result on the web site within
5 days of the fixture date. Failure to do this will result in a 4 point penalty.
(f) Winter Surrey Cup, Winter Surrey Trophy and Vintage only:
The Home Club must provide adequate refreshments for the visiting team. Anyone
who is unable to stay for these should inform the home team captain 48 hours
before the match in order to avoid home teams being charged for match food that
is not required. The onus is therefore on the player not staying to inform the
opposition - failure to do so may result in that player having to pay for the
cost of the meal. (Meals are not provided for the Summer Surrey Cup or Summer
Surrey Trophy matches) Common rules of hospitality will apply in that it is not
expected that the home team will have to pay for more than two drinks per
opponent after the match unless agreed otherwise by the respective captains.
[This is a rule that must be treated sensibly. If players turn up on time and
matches start when they should, then there will be time at the end for a
sociable meal, drink and conversation, something that most people would agree,
is part of the reason for playing team squash. However, some clubs have no
normal catering facilities at that time in the evening and usually have to send
out for a curry or fish and chips. In these cases, it is quite reasonable for
them to wish to offer a light meal, such as sandwiches, crisps and any other
food that is easy to prepare in advance and will not necessarily need heating
up. If this is the case, then most teams will understand.] |
(g) Usage of League Master Web Site
All nominations and results are to be entered on the League Master web site, as
directed within the rules. However, it is the responsibility of each team to
know when their matches are to be played and who is eligible, regardless of what
may or may not be indicated on the web site.
All automatic emails sent by the League Master results monitoring system are
advisory only. Where there is any apparent conflict or contradiction with the
rules, the current rules as stated in this document shall be the deciding
factor. |
(a) The Rules of Play shall be those of England Squash. |
(b) Although the Rules of Play include behaviour on court, a specific
requirement for the Surrey Leagues is that of good conduct. All players are
required to conduct themselves at all times in a sporting and polite manner and
no swearing or abusive behaviour will be tolerated. |
(c) All disputes or queries shall be notified in writing to the relevant
Competition Secretary whose decision shall be final. |
(d) The decision of the Competition Secretary in all matters not covered by the
forgoing rules shall be final. |
(e) Any matters of unacceptable conduct in the course any match being played in
these competitions shall be referred to the SSRA Disciplinary sub-committee who
are empowered to deal with all such matters. |
(f) It is accepted that these rules may not cover every situation. Clubs are
expected to comply with the spirit of these rules, particularly where any
loopholes exist. |