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Division: Division 1
Home Team: Purley 1
Away Team: Surbiton 1
Date:13 Oct 2010 (confirmed)
Time:07:15 pm
Verified:20 Oct 2010 by

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-3Steve London1-2Mark Baker3111-2, 11-7, 8-11, 11-1
1-4Jamie Wilde1-3Dominic Marx3210-12, 7-11, 11-9, 11-8, 11-9
1-5Neil Baker1-5Dan Carpenter3011-9, 11-4, 11-3
1-6Guy Olby2-2Lloyd Barcza318-11, 11-8, 11-3, 11-2
2-2Marc Aldridge2-3Michael Hennings3111-8, 11-2, 9-11, 11-2

Report:Wednesday 13th October was the date for the match of the two promoted teams into Division 1 for the 2010/2011 season. Both teams were missing their prospective number one players and therefore the match was evenly poised at the beginning of the evening.
Surbiton’s team consisted of five well experienced individuals who seem to have been putting themselves through some rigorous pre season training. This may be the reason that their team shirts seem to have come from an American Police ‘SWAT’ squad. Purley however this season have a mixture of youth and experience in their squad with the two new individuals Neil Baker and Steven London.
The first match of the evening was the experienced campaigner Marc ‘Luke Skywalker’ Aldridge versus the ‘Tactical’ Michael Hennings. Aldridge, well known within the Surrey circuit started the game extremely strong coming up with his trademark boast on many an occasion to devastating effect taking the first two games quite comfortably. However, Hennings was playing well and was hanging in there and this showed as he managed to take the third game. The crowd thought a comeback was on, however it seemed that Aldridge had a moment of inspiration off court before the fourth game. He entered the court like a man possessed as if filled by ‘the force’ and managed to win the game convincingly. And took the match 3-1.
Whilst this game was underway the next match of the evening was taking place between Dominic ‘Steady Eddie’ Marx and the ‘Unpredictable’ Jamie Wilde. The game started off at a frantic pace with Wilde making a large amount of unforced errors and the talented Marx was able to punish to devastating effect. This continued in the second game as well and Wilde was looking down and out. However in both the third and fourth game Wilde managed to sneak them playing ugly by purely retrieving as he was unable to hit a winner for love nor money. The final game was perched on a knife edge and at 9-9 and Wilde decided to go for an out and out winner off of the return of serve. Thankfully for him it worked. Unfortunately the game finished with the worst shot of the match as Wilde hit the indent on the wall and the helpless Marx was unable to do anything about it and the match finished at 3-2.
The third match of the evening featured Neil ‘Hair Stylist’ Baker and Dan ‘Fitness’Carpenter. It was noticed that Baker has an amazing talent on court, not only is his mistake rate extremely low but his hair never ever seems to change no matter how much he is running about or sweating. Maybe VO5 should consider him in their next advert campaign. The opening game was extremely tight with both individuals using their fitness to their maximum level; however Baker managed to push through and win this game. The rest of the match however was slightly one sided as Baker’s fitness proved too much for Dan to handle and he won 3-0.
The next match on court was the ‘Giant’ Guy Olby versus the new to the scene Lloyd Barcza. This match was played at an extremely fast pace with both players coming out with vast array of shots. However Barcza was able to win the first game after some beautifully hit winners. The crowd knew however that Olby still had something else to give and and in the second game he used his experience to regain the advantage and managed to sneak the game after some gruelling rallies. This game proved to be decisive as Barcza’s fitness started to falter and Olby was able to win the next two games comfortably finishing the match 3-1.
The final game of the evening was between the number one seeds, Steven ‘Flexible’ London versus Mark ‘Talented’ Baker. This was due to be an excellent game as both players have extremely different styles of games as London has a great level of fitness and Baker has a vast array of shots that can trouble even the finest players. London started the match the stronger of the two players as took the first game with great conviction. However in the second game Baker’s luck was seeming to change and some of his winning shots were deceiving the excellent London. As the game drew to a conclusion London’s fitness and speed suddenly became too much for Baker and he capitulated. In the third game Baker again changed his tactics to a ‘win or bust’ style. Baker’s shots were getting better and better as his shorts were getting higher and higher and he managed to win the game with a beautifully executed back-hand. In the fourth and what turned out to be the final game London’s fitness was too much and he was able to crush Baker and won 3-1.
The evening consisted of some fine squash from both teams, and although Purley won the match 5-0 this could quite easily have been a different story on another evening.
Author:Jamie Wilde

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes