Fixture Details 
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Division: Division 8B
Home Team: Warlingham 2
Away Team: Redhill 1
Date:07 Sep 2016 (confirmed)
Time:07:45 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
2-3Marc Pescod1-2Robert Crayston3112/15 15/8 15/11 15/4
2-10Ian Moor1-3James Pitts0315/17 7/15 2/15
2-17David Hobbs1-11Steve Perrin3015/3 15/11 15/5
2-20Mark Wilson1-13Sam Gupta0310/15 4/15 13/15

Report: Another defeat for the Woefuls of Warlinghan, this time on sets. After a close first set Ian went down faster than the Titanic, while at 4th string Mark was just unable to nick the third, which is not surprising as he didn't hit a nick all match. David was too strong at 3 against Steve, and Marc at 1st string continues to show the world how not to hit a drop, or a length, or a width, ....... need we go on? Luckily Rob's legs ran out of gas in the fourth or it could have been a different story. Final match of the season against a decent bunch of guys. Well played chaps.
Author:The Portly Pict

Away Report
Away Report: 

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