
28 Aug 2021

Hi All

You may have assumed after the 'provisional' entry form was sent out, that there would be a proper entry form to follow. However, almost all of the clubs responded and where there were a few questions about the number of teams they would enter, most have followed up in one way or another, so we have just gone straight to creating the league.

A big question has been that of strength, and many clubs have been concerned that their teams will not be as strong as they were and will be too high up the league. Clearly if everyone is weaker, then there is nothing to worry about as strength is relative, so generally teams will be where they ended up after the 2019/20 league. However, some clubs have certainly suffered losses in players and have been moved around accordingly.

This has resulted in quite a bit of chopping and changing so if mistakes have been made, please try and work with it.

We have also ended up with divisons 7 and 8 having ten teams in them, so this requires an additional two weeks of fixtures. These have been dovetailed into the last fixtures of each half (fixtures are generally every two weeks this year) but feel free to rearrange if necessary.

And on the subject of the dates, having two week gaps between fixtures is simply a way to ease clubs back into getting teams together. We do not envisage it being used for future leagues.

Lastly, can you all please check the club and team contacts on League Master. Unless these are up to date, you will not receive emails.

Good luck.