
Fixture Notes
27 Jul 2023

Over the years, it has become general practice that almost anyone will send emails concerning fixtures, players, injuries or anything else connected with a league, directly to whichever Surrey contact address they can find. This often leads to confusion and a huge amount of extra work by the league administrators trying to establish if changes to a result, for instance, or injuries effecting SquashLevels, have been agreed by both teams.

Some while ago, a new Fixture Notes system was added to League Master. If you login and go to Add Results, you will see your fixture list and the third column shows a link to Fixture Notes for each fixture. (If it is a home fixture, you can also access the Fixture Notes from a link at the top of the selected fixture page).

Red: Note or discussion still open, Black: Note or discussion closed, Clear: no note added

This allows you to add notes which will be viewed by the relevant administrator, who will respond accordingly. In addition, the opposing team captain will also be notified and can view and add their own comments.

This system has some key advantages:

  • All administrators have access to the Fixture Notes and any action will be taken as required. Clubs and Teams do not need to identify a specific administrator when sending messages.
  • Since all notes are visible to the two clubs and teams concerned, any requests for fixture changes are done with the knowledge, and presumably consent, of the opposing team.

Please ensure that ALL your players are aware of the following:

  • Any situation where the result of a fixture or mistakes in the selection of players may need to be edited, or notes about injury that might effect SquashLevels, can ONLY come from a club or team captain who has access to login to League Master.
  • We cannot accept individual players contacting us independently asking for uncorroborated changes. This particularly concerns injuries and requests for a match to be ignored by SquashLevels. Such requests MUST come via the Fixture Notes system.
  • While it is useful for captains to include a comment about injury in a Match Report, administrators do not generally view these so do not add anything that requires action.

General things to note:

  • Rearrangements are NOT allowed and only under exceptional circumstances will they be agreed. However, if you wish to rearrange a fixture, you MUST discuss this with your opponents first, agree a new date and then add a Fixture Note requesting that the rearrangement be allowed. If allowed, the administrator then will update the fixture date.
  • Please DO NOT use the Contact form on the main Surrey website. This has nothing to do with the leagues.