Player Stats: Winter League 2022/23: Hamzah Begg 

Selected competition stats:

12/10/2022Division 7RThe Oakwood 4 v Colets 44Mike MooreWon 3-2
18/10/2022Division 8The Oakwood 5 v Purley 53Dave GooldWon 3-2
10/11/2022Division 8The Oakwood 5 v Warlingham 24Kunal NagpalWon 3-0
24/11/2022Division 8The Oakwood 5 v Sutton Tennis & Squash 34Stephanie HighwoodWon 3-2
28/11/2022Division 8David Lloyd Hampton 1 v The Oakwood 52Sunny SidhuLost 0-3
09/01/2023Division 7RColets 4 v The Oakwood 45Joseph BirtwistleLost 1-3
24/01/2023Division 8The Oakwood 5 v Dorking 22Jamie MarettLost 2-3
07/02/2023Division 8The Oakwood 5 v Redhill 21Joe AlesLost 0-3
21/02/2023Division 8Sutton Tennis & Squash 3 v The Oakwood 51Carl BatesLost 0-3

Played: 9Won: 4Lost: 5Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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