Player Stats: Summer League 2024: Rufus Hawkings 

Selected competition stats:

15/05/2024Division 2The Wimbledon Club 2 v Surrey Sports Park 11Harvey McIntyreLost 0-3
05/06/2024Division 2The Wimbledon Club 2 v Reigate 11Jack MartellLost 0-3
12/06/2024Division 2Surbiton 2 v The Wimbledon Club 21Sam DixonLost 2-3
07/08/2024Division 2The Wimbledon Club 2 v Surbiton 21Jamie MathewsLost 1-3
28/08/2024Division 2Surrey Sports Park 1 v The Wimbledon Club 21Mike WaightLost 0-3

Played: 5Won: 0Lost: 5Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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