Player Stats: Summer League 2024: Oliver Jefferies 

Selected competition stats:

22/05/2024Division 3RSpencer 2 v The Wimbledon Club 33Simon LumbWon 3-0
28/05/2024Division 3RThe Wimbledon Club 3 v Purley 22Stuart WileyLost 1-3
04/06/2024Division 3RRAC 1 v The Wimbledon Club 33Max Sutton-ParkerLost 0-3
11/06/2024Division 3RThe Wimbledon Club 3 v Sutton Tennis & Squash 11Sam HodgkinsLost 0-3
16/07/2024Division 3RThe Wimbledon Club 3 v Spencer 23Nico De VriesWon 3-0
25/07/2024Division 3RPurley 2 v The Wimbledon Club 34Matt TorodeLost 1-3
13/08/2024Division 3RThe Wimbledon Club 3 v Limpsfield 33Richard MartinWon 3-1
04/09/2024Division 3RSutton Tennis & Squash 1 v The Wimbledon Club 33Jack AlbrowWon 3-0

Played: 8Won: 4Lost: 4Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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