Player Stats: Summer League 2024: Peter Matthews 

Selected competition stats:

15/05/2024Division 6BEbbisham 2 v The Wimbledon Club 53Edward ChoateWon 3-1
22/05/2024Division 6BThe Wimbledon Club 5 v RAC 22Christopher MorrellWon 3-1
29/05/2024Division 6BSpencer 3 v The Wimbledon Club 53Mike ThomasWon 3-2
10/06/2024Division 6BSheen 2 v The Wimbledon Club 53Jamie CuthbertWon 3-0
20/06/2024Division 5RThe Wimbledon Club 4 v Nuffield West Byfleet 14Chris HarlowWon 3-1
30/07/2024Division 6BThe Wimbledon Club 5 v Ebbisham 23Simon EdwardsWon 3-0
06/08/2024Division 6BThe Wimbledon Club 5 v Sheen 24Christopher OzardWon 3-0
22/08/2024Division 6BSurbiton 5 v The Wimbledon Club 54Joe MoruzziLost 1-3

Played: 8Won: 7Lost: 1Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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