Player Stats: Summer League 2024: Andrew Murphy 

Selected competition stats:

13/05/2024Division 5BThe Oakwood 3 v Bourne 11Oliver MorganWon 3-0
20/05/2024Division 5BThe Oakwood 3 v Woking 31Phil HallWon 3-1
11/07/2024Division 5BBourne 1 v The Oakwood 31Jon MenhinickLost 1-3
29/07/2024Division 5BWarlingham 1 v The Oakwood 31Rob StevensonLost 0-3
05/08/2024Division 5BThe Oakwood 3 v Redhill 11Alistair HolmesWon 3-1

Played: 5Won: 3Lost: 2Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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