Player Stats: Summer League 2010: Nigel Bailey 

Selected competition stats:

29/06/2010Division 4RWoking 2 v The Oakwood 24Ian SalmondWon 3-2
06/07/2010Division 4ROxshott 1 v The Oakwood 24Chris BlackmanLost 0-3
08/07/2010Division 4RThe Oakwood 2 v Purley 44Justin CoelhoLost 2-3
13/07/2010Division 4RChristophers 4 v The Oakwood 24PETER CLUTTON-BROCKWon 3-2
14/07/2010Division 3BThe Oakwood 1 v Christophers 24AARON ROBSONLost 0-3
22/07/2010Division 4RThe Oakwood 2 v David Lloyd Epsom 24Mark FrancisWon 3-2
26/08/2010Division 4RThe Oakwood 2 v Cheam 14Mark DinnageWon 3-2

Played: 7Won: 4Lost: 3Draw: 0

Squash Levels Overall

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