Nominations: Summer League 2024 : Period 1 
The Wimbledon Club 11Jordan Warne
 2Alexander Broadbridge
 3Tiago Goriely
 4Steven Richardson
 5Stacey Ross
 6Marvin Mortensen-Ramlill
 7Gary Nisbet
The Wimbledon Club 21Michael Pittams
 2Rufus Hawkings
 3Tim Burrell
 4David Phillips
 5Joss Hargrave
 6James Whelan
 7Michael Stenning
 8Luke Rackham
 9Tom Goulden
 10Felix Exelby
 11Andrew Long
The Wimbledon Club 31Chris King
 2Phil Messent
 3Ben Mann
 4Alex Pinchin
 5Claudio D'Angelo
 6Nathan McCarthy
 7Simon Lush
 8Oliver Jefferies
 9Tim Buchanan
 10Brad Cooke
 11Dean Ricks
 12Ali Smith
The Wimbledon Club 41Rob Wilkinson
 2Simon Nicholls
 3John Yates
 4Stephen Booysen
 5William Ward
 6Adnan Khan
 7Jerome Wilcox
 8Charlie Martin
 9Guy Brindle
 10Gordon Slack
 11Paul Grafton
 12Nadeem Ahmad
The Wimbledon Club 51Alex Bull
 2Matthew Robilliard
 3Calvin Appleton
 4Peter Matthews
 5Ed Messent
 6Nicolas Sonnerat
 7Thomas Littleton
 8Harry Hamblin
 9Simon Pitt
 10Jack Voller
 11Nicholas Van Der Bos
 12Daniel Morgan-Blake
 13Rehin Latif
 14Emily Mennie